terça-feira, 21 de outubro de 2008


Estou “ausente” a passar algum tempo com uma amiga.... embora não possa estar fisicamente com ela, dedico as minhas horas tardias, o meu tempo, a ela duma forma minha... a dar pequenos pontos... a ter conversas com ela... e a beber chá...
I am “absent” spending some time with a friend... although i cannot phisically be with her, i dedicate my late hours to her in my own way... stitching... having conversations with her... and drinking tea...
I have ordered myself “the gentle art of domesticity” from Jane Brocket... book and am still thinking of ordering the recipe book... :)
Encomendei este livro “the gentle art of domesticity” da Jane Brocket... e estou indecisa em relação ao de receitas... :)
what do you think about it?
o que achas dele?

6 comentários:

  1. Ando a namorar o primeiro já há algum tempo...
    Paula Sofia

  2. I have the Domesticity book. It has amazing pictures and it is fun to look at...don't necessarily share all the views in it and the term 'gentle reader' eventually drove me crazy, but love it for the browsing pleasure.

  3. I have The Domesticity book and it is great! You are going to enjoy it so much! I am about to order the cookbook! You could be my twin!

  4. I also have the Domesticity book. Pure fun and escapism. I'm also thinking about ordering the recipe book. But I'm not much of a baker...
