sexta-feira, 20 de março de 2009

Vitamin C

uma meia @noro

Hesitar entre meia e não meia, deu em gripe...
Hesitation between socks and no socks... gave me the flu...
oficialmente de molho!
home sick!
taleigo por @reimão

with some juicy oranges to help!
com estas laranjas sumarentas para ajudar!

7 comentários:

  1. I absolutely love the bag your oranges are in!! Did you sew that?
    Hope you're feeling better. :)

  2. Didn't know you're sick :O(
    Get well soon!
    Love both the socks, the bag and... the oranges :O)
    But... don't love the flu. Not at all!!!

  3. As melhoras!
    (E está tudo lindo!)
    Paula Sofia

  4. Feel better! This is my first visit, and I absolutely love your work! So beautiful, colorful and fun! The bag is adorable, as well as the socks, and doll, and everything else! Come drop by my Wildflower Studio blog anytime! I'd love to hear from you :)

  5. o melhor remédio. (somado a muitas horas de sono).
    as melhoras!

  6. hope you feel better seen... your gorgeous bag of oranges and lovely socks would make me well in a second!
