terça-feira, 1 de dezembro de 2009

Giveaway day....

Como já vem sendo habitual, a 2 de Dezembro comemora-se o "Giveaway day", promovido pelo Sew Mama Sew.

Nunca tinha participado antes, mas este ano, aqui estou, com estes punhos...

Se os queres, diz-me porquê:)
Até dia 6 podes deixar o teu comentário, e o vencedor (escolhido alheatóriamente) terá até dia 12 para enviar a sua morada...

As usual, we'll be celebrating giveaway day on December, 2nd, hosted by Sew Mama Sew

I had never participated before, but this year i am giving away these wristwarmers...

If you want them, tell me why:)
you have until the 6th of dec to comment, and the winner (who will be randomly picked) will have until the 12th to send me his/hers address!!!

159 comentários:

  1. Porquê?
    Zélia, porque os fizeste e porque tenho sempre as mãos geladas (confesso, sempre faz mais frio nas terras altas) Bjs,:)

  2. porque são lindos e eu moro na montanha e já começou o frio a sério

  3. Porque às vezes o calor que trazemos no peito arrefece e é preciso buscar o calor...*

  4. What a lovely giveaway!!
    I have a drawer full of fingerless mitts and wristwarmers, but I'm sure someone else is going to be absolutely delighted to win them.

  5. pq esta um frio de rachar em NYC! and i miss you

  6. Porque são lindos, eu vou para Trás-os- Montes no Natal e preciso de me aquecer!

  7. Porque são de ti para mim :) e porque são lindos! e porque ando a precisar de umas coisas bonitas para me sentir mais bonita! :) chega?

  8. ...because they should be a perfect gift for my next birthday, on 4th of December! ;o)***

  9. Claro que os quero!!!
    Mas há dúvidas?
    Porquê? porque são lindos, porque tenho muito frio nos punhos :) e porque sou fã do teu trabalho, pois claro :)

    Tb estou no giveaway day, passa pelo blog.

  10. Quero-os porque te descobri hoje!... São lindos e por aqui tem feito muito frio...

    Beijinhos ;P

  11. pois............porque quero ficar quentinha :) e porque são giros e....porque todos gostamos de receber, não??
    bjs, passa no meu blog também estou a entrar :))

  12. Eu quero! porque são lindos! porque adoro rosa com cinza, porque sou muito friorenta, porque trabalho mt ao computador e posso sempre usá-los no trabalho com estilo e com as mãos quentinhas! :)

  13. Ai, mas tenho que explicar porquê?!?

    Porque SIM (serve?)
    Porque são feitos por ti
    Porque gosto muito dessas coisas
    Porque combinam com toda a minha roupa
    Porque na Aldeia OLIVEIRAS faz muito frio
    Porque adoro receber prendas!!!

  14. porque são estilosos e porque eu quero acumular prendas a ver se recebo tudo de uma vez ;) :D :)*

  15. porque gosto de acreditar que um dia vou conseguir fazer coisas lindas como esses punhos e preciso de inspiração :)

  16. Wristwarmers!! I want them because I'm traveling to hong kong soon (i'm from sydney) and it will be cold there^^

  17. Porquê????
    Porque sou nova aqui, e adorei!
    Porque como o meu pai dizia tenho sangue de barata e estou sempre gelada!
    Porque escritório onde trabalho é um gelo, e eu quase congelo diáriamente.
    Porque adoro o teu blog.
    Porque adoro os punhos, são lindos e iam ficar muito bem com a camisola que trago hoje.
    Porque mereço, porque fui uma menina muito bem comportada este ano, e o ano correu-me pessimamente.
    E por fim, porque sim, lolol


  18. I would definitely need these for Japan next year :)

  19. Oh my, my daughter would just love these!!! They are beautiful.

  20. porque são mais uma coisa linda feita por ti! eu já ando sempre com a mantinha que me fizeste (acompanha-me nos tricots) e estas luvinhas combinam na perfeição!

  21. I have never seen wrist warmers until this fall. Great idea for aging busy achy wrists.......like mine!

  22. Very nice, love the colors.

    Would love to win these, it will be my first pair.

  23. Porque me transmitem boa energia, porque tu tb transmites boa energia e porque eu tento sempre passar boa energia às pessoas que se cruzam no meu caminho :)

  24. I would love to have them as I have had planned to make myself several pairs and whenever I finish, I end up giving them away. I need some for myself!! :) they are quite beautiful.

  25. Wristwarmers would be great for the chilly Michigan winter!

  26. I want them because: I can't knit! And I live in Canada and it's cold. And they're so pretty.

    Thanks for the chance to win!

    kindredcrafters (at) gmail (dot) com

  27. I'm totally going to hold my breath and hope I win these. I went to a craft fair about a month ago and saw this girl with cuffs very similar to these you are giving away. I asked her where she got them in hopes it was a vendor at the market. It wasn't but the market she got them at was still open the next weekend, so I went there the following week JUST TO BUY A PAIR. Turns out something happened and the woman didn't return to the market that weekend and I am STILL WITHOUT my awesome pair of wrist warmers. PLEASE be my solution to this!

  28. Who doesn't want nice warm wrists! These are great for chilly falls days too.
    Thanks for the opportunity!

  29. Why wouldn't I is the question, they are cute and cozy, two of my favorite attributes.

  30. I heart the gloves! The colors are looking great! Thanks!

  31. How wonderful! I want the wrist warmers, because winter is coming, and I need to protect my wrists from the chill. I am in denial, still wearing my fall jacket in NYC. Maybe your wrist warmers will help me get with the program? They look warm and cozy, and I love the colors.

  32. I would love to win these wrist warmers because they are so cute! And I am trying to fill my life only with things I love!!

  33. I would love these because they are beautiful.
    And it is hard wearing gloves because I always need my fingers free for things like getting my children in and out of their car seats. :)
    Thanks for the chance to win!


  34. I'm a crafty doula too! How nice!

    I love the hand warmers, I want them because they would keep me warm this winter but I need my fingers free because I have three little girls who need me!

  35. I want them because 1) I love the colors! and 2) I have nothing like them!

  36. Oh, I love them! They would keep me warm while I typed away on my laptop or while I crafted! :-)

  37. The warmers look so warm and I love the color combination.

  38. I would love to win these because I don't have any and my wrists are cold! ;)

  39. i want! i want! i really really do! i want them because i've been wanting a pair....they're just so cute and funky (and functional) and i love the colors/yarn you used! thanks for the giveaway!


  40. As I age :-(, the extremeties get colder. While working, I wear a pair of fingerless gloves

    thanks for a chance at the giveaway

  41. I hate the gap b/t my sleeves and my coat. These would be great. Love the colors.


  42. ohh, I've wanted a pair of these for a long time - great for playing video games!

  43. I can tell you EXACTLY why I want these! One: They are fantastic colors. Two: They are a SUPER FREAKING CUTE pattern. Three: I have wanted a pair of wrist warmers for over a year now and I STILL don't own any! It's sad, really. LOL!
    jinglesells at gmail dot com

  44. i want them beacuse they are super cute! thanks!

  45. I'd love them because i need to keep my wrists warm :)-it's getting cold around here lately.

  46. these are amazing!!! i love the colors..
    check out my blog, too, for another giveaway!

  47. Oh, they look so warm! I can cuddle up with those!
    Karen, twiceasniceboutique@live.com

  48. Because they are such a fun accessory!!

  49. por qué? porque son muy lindos y yo no se tejer!
    besos desde México!

  50. I want them because I'm always cold!! Plus, they are very cute. And why not be cute and warm?

  51. Since I live in cold Canada and it's snowing right now, I could totally use those wrist warmers. They are gorgeous.
    Happy holidays!

  52. I've been wanting some wristwarmers ever since winter arrived this year. It's freezing here.

  53. I love them! And, I'd love to have them so that when I go to visit my family in Michigan I can keep my poor Arizona-living self warm! Thanks for the chance to win :)

  54. Olá Zé,
    Quero os punhos porque:
    1 são lindos
    2 devem ser super fofinhos
    3 não tenho nenhuns
    4 sim!

  55. olá olá!

    depois de visitar alguns blogs americanos dei de caras com este e é tão bom estar a escrever em português eheheheh

    vou passar por aqui mais vezes!!!

    adorei os punhos, a ideia em si é genial, sobretudo para pessoas tão friorentas como eu (chego a trabalhar ao computador de luvas imagine-se).

    boa sorte para todos!!!

  56. How wonderful! I'd love to win because it's getting cold around here. Thanks for the chance!

  57. I love the wristwarmers but my daughter would love them even more and would receive them for Christmas. She is a violist and is always looking for ways to keep her hands warmed before playing.

  58. I love the color and pattern of these. I would like to win because I'm a traveling teacher in Oregon, and I have to go between different buildings a lot. It would be nice to have something that I didn't have to take off and on.

  59. Oh I'd love to win those wristwarmers because they're gorgeous and I've been meaning to make some for ages and can't seem to work those darn dpns!

  60. I have no gloves this winters and it's getting amazingly cold here....
    My problem is, as I knit walking, I need my fingers... But I'd love not to have frozen hands anymore !

  61. Wow, they're pretty! I need them because my hands and wrists get cold all the time, especially when I am working at my desk for a long time. I need something to keep my hands warm enough to work, rather than turning up the heat and wasting electricity! ;)

  62. hi
    i'd love to win because it's so cold and grey here in the uk!!
    gill x

  63. porque...adoro punhoooos, e estes sao giros giros, ficavam lindos nas minhas maos pequeninas hehehe
    e porque passava o Natal bem quentinha :)

  64. Very nice! I don't have any arm warmers yet and would love to try them! Thanks for the giveaway. alusco(at)centurytel(dot)net

  65. I love those! They would be wonderful to have up here in Alaska to keep my handwarm at ym desk!

  66. Yes, I want them. Why? because the look great and besides, I have tried knitting a pair for two winters now, with no luck and I live in Canada and it gets COLD here!

  67. perfect color combo, they look soft and warm and chic

  68. I am really digging gray right now. Thats why I want them! Thanks for the wonderful giveaway!

  69. Quero-os porque são lindos, fofinhos e com certeza muito quentinhos!
    Aqui por Évora faz frrriiiooo, muito frrriiiooooo :))

  70. Because as I type this my hands are coooooooold.

  71. Love your wristwarmers! I live in Norway and here it is about 10 degrees celcius below zero right now... :-)

  72. I've never had wrist warmers, but they look really cozy :D

  73. I would love the wristwarmers because it's cold in my craft room!

  74. The wrist warmers are beautiful and would look lovely on my wrists! I am a knitter and know how much love and work went into every stitch. Happy Holidays

  75. I've always wanted wrist warmers but never had the patience to knit or crochet myself a pair. You could solve this problem. :)

  76. estan muy lindos!! me gustaron mucho!.. los quiero porque hace frio y estan muy fashion y glam!!

  77. This would be awesome for my office! It's always SO cold in there. Thanks for the chance to win!!

  78. I want these....because I love them.

    I am very selfish and would keep them all to myself.

  79. I want them because they are awesome and they are purple! My new favorite color!

  80. I want those wrist warmers because I am always cold--what a fun and fashionable way to keep warm!

  81. Oh I love them, I can't seem to get my knitting to happen and I so want a pair of wristwarmers.

  82. Ah love these - love the colors and have always wanted a pair.. but just never have picked them up!

  83. Lovely! Why do I want them? Because I'm a mama to two little girls, I drive them around constantly, and I get cold...but gloves aren't practical with all of the buckling and unbuckling of carseats that I do!

  84. Ooh! Yummy wrist warmers and in my favorite colours too! I would wear them with my new jacket, they will match beautifully! Also they could keep me warm while I type away at this keyboard.
    Have a merry Christmas!

  85. love these! i have never had wrist warmers but i now live in a very cold place! also, love how you photographed them!

  86. why? because they're gorgeous!

  87. I love wristwarmers- perfect for walks!

  88. I would love them, because it would be so cool to tell people a babywearing doula from Portugal made them!

  89. Oh these are so cute! I'd love to have them to wear out when it gets cold at night :)

  90. Ohhhhh lovely - these would be perfect for winter days on the train - keeping warm whilst still being able to read a book!

  91. Lovely wristwarmers. I need them because when I'm sitting in the car waiting for my daughter at her various activities I'm usually reading or studying so gloves are no good as I need to turn pages but wristwarmers really do the job. Bx

  92. Eu já fui contemplada num destes giveaway :)e a Constança anda com a tua mantinha de uma lado para o outro sempre. Aquece, brinca com ela, serve para tapar a luz quando viajamos e ela adormece, dá miminho... há algum tempo que não consigo passar por aqui, mas deixo saudades e o meu obrigada sempre porque pela tua força a Constancinha ainda mama!!!

  93. porque a mi cuñada le gustarían!! mucho!! she really would love them a lot. sorry, i only no some spanish no portuguese!

  94. Because they are lovely and I love the colors.

  95. I love them! That's why! Oh & they will keep my hands warm this winter! Cute!

  96. I love those wristwarmers! Great colors, and I could definitely use them here in chilly NYC!

  97. I would love to win the wristwarmers

  98. Ohh- those would be perfect for keeping most of my hands warm on my walks with my little one. It never fails that she needs something that I need my fingers for and I have to peel off the mittens to help. These would be a welcome addition to the winter wardrobe!

  99. i would love these...it is freezing here in NY and these are adorable. thanks for the chance.

  100. What exquisite knitting!
    Because I'm a terrible knitter, I have cold wrists and I love these wristwarmers!

  101. I would definitely wear those because my skinny wrists are always cold!

  102. I want them because I get cold. How's that"

  103. I would wear those wristwarmers at work, because my office is always FREEZING!

  104. What a fun but functional giveaway. I could use those in Michigan USA today!

  105. Oh man, I am ALWAYS cold. I have a pair of wristwarmers that I love, but they're getting worn out.. I'd love some new ones, and these are so pretty!

  106. I would love them because I live way up in Wisconsin, where it is always cold! Thank you for the chance to win! I hope you have a wonderful Christmas. -dez


  107. i want them because they look warm, they are beautiful, and i love those colors! ;)

  108. Does "computer hands" explain why. Would be great for those cold days at the computer. :)

  109. I want them because they are warm and cute and I'm not good enough at knitting or crocheting to make my own.


  110. I would love to have your wrist warmers, I work in an office in the afternoon and the heat never seems to keep me warm enough. I would love to have your wrist warmers to keep me warm.

  111. LOVE THEM! Gorgeous! I want these because I have a little one... I need to keep warm, but I need my hands to be free too. Thanks for offering them up!

  112. I would really like them because I have been wanting some for a while, and haven't got around to making myself some. It seems I always run out of time when it comes to making myself something :). And they have purple. My favorite color.
    Thanks for the great giveaway.

  113. Lovely! Thanks for the opportunity. They look so cozy, and I'm always cold this time of year.

  114. Ooh yes, I want these! Because of the color and they look SO soft. :)


  115. Ooh, so cute! I have to wait for the bus every morning, and it is getting colder and colder outside. These would keep me nice and toasty (and cute!). :-)


  116. I work from home, late at night, when my house is freeeeezing! Wrist warmers would help me stay a little more flexible as I type!

  117. I want them for my teenage daughter.

    Thank you for this wonderful giveaway.

    I am also having a giveaway; so be sure and stop by my blogs. I have two, one for sewing and one for art. www.sewingwithtrudy.blogspot.com and www.artisticcreationswithtrudy.blogspot.com

    My 9 year old daughter is also having a giveaway on her sewing blog. Hers is www.sewingsister.blogspot.com

    trudy dot callan at gmail dot com

  118. I want them because I am always cold and they are so pretty! :)
    seemommysew @gmailDOTcom

  119. Very pretty! I want them because I live in Canada and it's almost Winter now! It can get pretty cold around here, but I don't always like wearing gloves, so wrist warmers would help to keep me warm!

  120. Oh my God!
    Olha eu acho os punhos lindíssimos, perfeitos com umas cores fabulosas e depois, ainda por cima, foram feitas por ti.Isso é mais que motivo para qualquer uma querer os punhos.
    Mas eu não quero.
    Trago sempre as mãos a ferver e depois como ando de canadianas não me dão jeito
    Só te quero dar os parabéns, por fazeres coisas tão lindas e alegres, por conseguires tanta gente da blogosfera a disputar as coisinhas feitas por ti!:)

  121. I would like these because I don't have any wristwarmers and I have always wanted to try a pair. Thanks for the giveaway :)

  122. I'm moving form a hot country to a cold one in a few months so these would be perfect for me!

    reviewsbyabby at gmail dot com

  123. These would be wonderful for doing farm chores! But they are also absolutely gorgeous and I live in Wisconsin where the high today was 16.

  124. I'd love it because it is so pretty and I always have cold hands!

    shiki6210 at gmail dot com

  125. If you lived in Indiana in the USofA...you would know why they would be awesome to win! LOL

    It gets awfully cold here round about February!

    Thank you for being part of Sew Mama Sew's Christmas giveaway! You have a generous heart and giving spirit!
    Merry Christmas!

  126. I want them because I don't know how to knit and they are pretty.

  127. Por muitas e muitas razões, mas a mais importante delas todas, para mim é:
    Porque foste a primeira pessoa, que eu não conheço, a comentar o meu blog e nem sabes a magia que foi ver lá o teu comentário.

  128. i want them because they are adorable and even we phoenicians need warm wrists.

  129. I would love these wrist warmers, it gets REALLY cold here in the winter on our little farm, these cute wrist warmers would keep me warm while I fetch the bread in the mornings!

  130. So cute! Thanks for the chance to win.

  131. i would LOVE to win these! it would be so perfect to wear while driving instead of wearing mittens that don't let you hold onto the while and gloves that slip all over the place :)
    great giveaway!
    yawkar618 at yahoo dot com

  132. Oh lovely Wristwarmers! I need them becaus I have pain in my wrists when it is cold and need stylish ways to keep them warm...

  133. I had never used wristwarmers until this year... and I just discovered I love them!! In Spain they are difficult to find, so I would love to win these :-)

    Thanks for the chance, and cheers from Barcelona!


  134. I have especially long arms! My shirtsleeves are always too short. These look like just the thing to solve the problem.

    thanks for the giveaway op!

    toilandtrouble [at] spambog [dot] com

  135. Love them! I need wrist warmers because I don't have any and these are so cute!

  136. Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.

  137. Why do I want them? Because I've never had such and they're cute, extraordinary and warm. And the winter is coming....Cheers :)

  138. Love these, saw some in the Toast catalog. Thanks for the chance

  139. I would love them because it has been unusually warm here and anything and everything will help! Besides in trying to save energy sometimes it could be of good use in the house, like right now!!!

    Thanks for a great giveaway!

  140. Love them! I want them because....well I like to win things that's why.

  141. Great wrist warmers... they'd be for my daughter who works in a very cold office and when she is on the computer her hands and fingers get very stiff!

  142. I love handmade goodies. Your wrist warmers are made in lovely colors and I live in the Midwest, USA where it gets cold. Many thanks, Cindi

  143. Why? Because they are so lovely and hip. I have always wanted a pair of knitted ones. Thanks for the chance to win!!! : )

  144. These are so beautiful! And look so warm. Exactly what I need right now!


  145. Lovely giveaway! I would use them for myself, since my winter coat's sleaves are quite wide.

  146. :) Great pair of fingerless gloves! Thanks for doing this giveaway.

  147. I would love to win these! I love wristwarmers and these ones are really fun!! I have some shorter ones but I'd love some longer ones like these. :)

  148. Porque são lindos e feitos com muito carinho!Alguma dúvida? ;)

  149. Lovely warmers! I live in a big drafty farm house where I am usually cold all day. THese would be great while I sit at the computer to keep my forearms warm but not interfere with typing. thanks.
    freeindeed at myfairpoint dot net

  150. Tal como as 157 pessoas anteriores, eu gostaria de ter esses punhos porque são lindos e devem ser muito quentinhos :D
    Jocas :)

  151. I've always wanted some of those for the cold Michigan weather. I dont' know how to make myself, so I'd love to win!
