terça-feira, 19 de janeiro de 2010

Meia em Lã Poveira

Meia feita em lã poveira
Sock made in Portuguese yarn

Ainda sobre Sábado.... cheguei a casa cansada... na noite anterior tinha-me deitado tardíssimo, porque fui para um jantar.... para me levantar 3 horas depois.... por isso quando cheguei a casa ao final do dia... ou já era noite(?) tinha tanto sono.... mas queria esperar pelo C.... e para isso, começei este par de meias....

Entusiasmada como sou, o C chegou.... e eu continuei a tricotar até á 1:30 da manhã.... e o resultado é uma mulher cansada, mas uma meia bem bonita! Não dirias?!

Still about Saturday... i arrived home reaaly tiered... the night before i had gone to bed really late, because i went out to dinner... to get up 3 hours after... so when i got home at the end of the day (or was it night?) i was so sleepy, but still wanted to wait for C... so, i started knitting this air of socks...

Enthusiactic as i am, C arrived, and i kept on knitting... until it was 1:30 am... buy this time i was an even more tiered woman with a very nice looking sock! Wouldn't you say?!

8 comentários:

  1. very lovely sock, indeed!!! Don't you love it when you get so excited about a project that you don't want to put it down even if your hands start to ache and it's way past your bed time?! I'm currently that way about a granny square blanket...I can't stop! What yarn is that sock? Is it as soft as it looks?
