sexta-feira, 5 de fevereiro de 2010


Sabias que em cada centímetro de pele tem milhares de receptáculos que emitem mensagens ao cérebro... que massajar as mãos reduz o stress, liberta endorfinas, produz oxcitocina e aumenta a sensação de bem estar, para além de ajudar a fixar a atenção?
Estes saquinhos cabem na tua mão, estão cheios de sementes, para os momentos de stress e não só!
Disponíveis a 6€ cada!

5 comentários:

  1. lindos! e uma optima ideia! :)
    eu era uma sortuda, todos os serões tinha as mãos frescas da minha avó para me tirar as dores de barriga, fazer festinhas no braço.... agora sou eu que o faço ao Miguel :)

  2. Hi

    I just joined this lovely place. I found loads of useful information here. I would also like to add some thing for this community. I would like to share some [url=]quick weight loss tips[/url]. If you wish to know how to lose 10 lb in a week, you are likely not looking for a standard diet and exercise plan. You can lose weight with a regular diet and work out plan, However this demands a lot of time doing intense cardio exercises and adhering a strict diet. Here I will draft the exact steps that I took to lose 10 pounds in just a calendar week.

    1. Keep Distance from all fried nutrients for the week
    2. Drink an 8oz glass of Citrus paradisi with breakfast every day. (this accelerates up your metabolism)
    3. Consume fair portions (stop consuming when you are full)
    4. Rather than consuming 3 large a meals a day, consume 5-6 smaller meals to keep your metabolism up and keep your body burning fat.
    5. Aviod eating after 9 P.M.. When you eat that late your body does not burn off the calories.
    6. Get plenty of sleep every night. Not having plenty rest causes been verified to be a leading element to the body storing excess fat.
    7. Apply a body/colon clean for the 7 days. This will get rid of unneeded fat stored just about the tummy area as well as cleanse your body of harmfull pollutants that makes you store fat and feel tired. Flush away excess pounds around the stomach area that otherwise would be hard to lose.
    8. I suggest you using Acai Berry Diet Pills. This one is proven to work, and you can get a free trial.
    9. For those people who wish to burn fat quickly, avoid intoxicant.
    10[url=].[/url] A low GI diet is an superior method of loosing weight quickly.


  3. São lindos Zélia!
    Eu quero um! Ainda tens?
    Como faço?
    Diz-me para o meu mail por favor.

  4. Olá!!

    Obrigada pela visita, não perdeu tempo, eheh!!
    Adorei estas almofadinhas, o tecidinho do meio é espectacular!

