segunda-feira, 29 de setembro de 2008


Finalmente consegui ir até à feira do Jardim da Estrela... e já disse, para a próxima, abanco lá na relva com a cesta do picnic e deixo-me ficar... um ambiente tranquilo e boa forma de passar um domingo. Conheci algumas pessoas que só conhecia do seu trabalho e do mundo virtual... curiosamente duas Ana's... Uma que gosta de papeis por todo lado e outra que tens mãos de sapo. Visitei a Rita, que vai encontrando lindos tecidos dos quais faz os trabalhos que me deram coragem para um dia cortar e cozer o meu primeiro quilt... Um domingo em familia onde o Rafa gozou da companhia da prima, andou de electrico passeou pela baixa... e os adultos, vieram para casa cheios de inspiração... Ah! E esta foi a saía que levei vestida, feita na véspera... simples, mas bonita só pelo tecido... é inspirada nas capulanas, só enrrolar e vestir...
I finally was able to go to this fair at a beautiful garden called Jardim da Estrela... and next time, i will just sit in the grass with my picnic basket and spend the day... good option for a Sunday... busy yet peaceful... Oh, i met some people that i knew only through there work and the net... Curiously both named Ana, one that likes paper everywhere, and the other has frog hands...
I visited Rita who keeps finding great fabrics to make wonderful quilts... same quilts that once inspired my to finally get enough courage to cut and sew my very first quilt...
Family Sunday... Rafa played all day with his cousin, toke a tour in the famous yellow “electric car” (i suddenly forgot what they're called in English)... adults came home inspired – kids tiered... oh and this was the skirt i wore... i made it the day before... so simple and only nice because of the beautiful fabric, inspired in Capulanas, just wrap up and wear!

2 comentários:

  1. I saw that on your flickr and as I said, I want those shoes and the skirt. That skirt is so fun. I would totally wear that outfit. Markets are the coolest thing. When I was in Spain there were so many markets. We hardly have any markets here in Calgary.

  2. Okay, I have been getting caught up with your blog and I have soooo missed it, you, your beauty and your creativity! Love you!
