segunda-feira, 13 de outubro de 2008


Andava só a meio tempo na escolinha... mas porquê gosta muito, e a expressão "oh não" lhe saía da boca quando se ía buscar... decidimos que vai ficar a tempo inteiro.
He was only in school part-time... but because the expression "oh no!" would come out when we went to get him, we've decided he'll be a full time attendant:)
Mais coisas: Vai ficar chocado com a realidade do mundo animal quando finalmente entender que as girafas não são tão amigas dos outros animais como ele pensa:
Mãe, sabes que os bufalos comem bananas?
Bananas? e como as vão buscar ás árvores?
Ó mãe!!! As girafas arracam as bananas e dão!
More Stuff:
He'll be dissapointed that giraffes aren't as sweet to other animals as he imagins!
Mom, do you know buffalos eat bananas?
they do? and how do they climb tress to get them?
Mom, giraffes get them for the buffalos!

para que não pensem que as mãos estão paradas... um saco de compras.... so you don't think my hands are still... this is a shopping bag i am making...
E uma meia... and a sock!

5 comentários:

  1. well of course buffalos get them for the giraffes, how else?

  2. That shopping bag is very interesting....the pattern on the top, I really like that. Your son is the cutest and I love that picture of you and's beautiful.

  3. E a mim só me dá vontade de ser as "compras"...


  4. que lindos! Que um raio de sol vos ilumine assim sempre!

  5. Zé, I love that picture of you and Rafa... It is so sweet. And I love your smile.
    So, full time, huh? I am wandering what to do, because we found this good kinder near our house, and they only have full time shift for the kids, and we were not planning that, just part time. But they highly recommended that place... I will have to give it a thought then.
    How is he doing with this full time school thing?
